register a horse to a breeding show
Registration to a breeding show in Sweden is done in Hestur.
- All horses registered to a breeding show must have DNA analyzis registered in WorldFengur.
- To register a stallion to a breeding show, proof of pedigree needs to be registered in WorldFengur.
- Stallion 5–12 years need to have the results from spavin examination needs to be registered in WorldFengur.
- To register a gelding, the castration needs to be registered in WorldFengur.
- To register a horse to total evaluation the horse needs to be at least 4 years old. Younger horses can only be registered to conformation assessment.
- Sign in to Hestur with the same username and password as you use to sign in to WorldFengur.
- Fill in your contact information.
- On the first page you klick on the button ”Breeding evaluations”.
- You get to the first page by clicking on ”Hestur” on the top of the page
- Klick on the show you wish to register your horse to.
- Choose either a horse from your list of horses or type in the horses registration number.
- ”Frequent riders” is a list of common riders in sweden. If your rider isn´t in this list you can add the rider in next step.
- Klick on ”Proceed”
- To add horses to you list of horses (Hästlista) you go to ”Hästlista” in the menu at the top of the page. There you can type in the horses registration number and click on ”Lägg till” (Add to the list).
- Here you can choose what type of assessment you wish to register. In this step you will also need to type in both the riders and the trainers WorldFengur-ID. When you are done with this you click on ”Proceed”.
- Here you control if all the information is accurate. If you wish to register more horses and pay for them all at the same time you click on ”Add to cart, register more horses”. If you don´t wish to register more horses you click on ”Add to cart”. Your registration is valid as soon as you have payed the registration fee in the cart.

Only confirmation: SEK 2,250.
Gelding, confirmation + rideability: SEK 2,250.
Mare, conformation + rideability: SEK 3,000.
Stallion, confirmation + rideability: SEK 3,750.
Only rideability for a stallion costs the same as total assessment.
Price for registration after the advertised registration period has expired, is registration fee + SEK 500.
In the event of non-attendance, all but SEK 1,000 will be refunded for administrative costs only against veterinary certificates or certificates from the assessment officer. This is mailed including account details to the breeding office.
Prices are incl. VAT. All cases that are not paid by Hestur (Payson) are invoiced by Fortnox Finans.