welcome to SIF AVEL


Studbook och registration of pure bred Icelandic Horses in Sweden.
Breeding shows, information and education in Icelandic Horse breeding.


Below you can find information for you who wishes to breed with a stallion in Sweden or register to a breeding show in Sweden. More translations are under construction.

Breed with a stallion in Sweden

In order to have a recorded mating with a stallion in Sweden you will need to be sure that the stallion has a license for the season. All stallions with a license are published in the stallion catalogue and that is also where you book and pay the mares fee. In Sweden, in order to get the mare on the stallions mating record there is a so called mares fee that needs to be payed in advance. The mares fee is 1.000 SEK for unevaluated mares and 250 SEK for mares with a total evaluation or that have offspring with total evaluation registered in WorldFengur.

To book and pay the mares fee:

  1. Sign into the administrative website Hestur, using your WorldFengur username and password.
  2.  Fill in you contact information.
  3. Go to ”Horselist” and add your mare to your list. (Type in the mares registration number (FEIF-id) and click ”Add”)
  4. Go to the Stallion catalogue and choose a stallion.
  5. On the bottom of the stallions page you click on the station where the stallion will be serving mares.
  6. On the bottom of that page you choose your mare from your list and click on ”Proceed”.
  7. Accept the terms and put the mare fee in your shopping cart.
  8. Go to the Cart and pay.

Now your mare will show up at the stallion supervisors list of mares and it is now possible to register the mating. Once the mating is recorded by the stallion supervisor you will see it on the first page (click on ”Hestur” in the menu at the top of the page). There you will also need to report when the mare has given birth the following year.

About SIF Avel

The Swedish Icelandic Horse Association's foundation for breeding (SIF Avel) was established by the Swedish Icelandic Horse Association (SIF) to manage pedigree records and registers of Icelandic horses in Sweden. The foundation's main purpose is to promote the breed of the purebred Icelandic horse. The foundation is responsible for all questions regarding Icelandic horse breeding where pedigree and breeding evaluation are the major parts. SIF Breeding  cooperates with other FEIF member organizations as well as with authorities and other bodies in Sweden. SIF Avel will work to support breeders, offer service, advice and education. The foundation's board is elected by SIF's annual general meeting.

breeding shows in sweden 2020

Registration to a breedingshow in Sweden is done through our administration site Hestur.
Information on how to register to a breeding show in Sweden

Following are dates and places for this years breeding shows in Sweden:

22–24 May Romme
25–27 May Margaretehof
9–12 June Axevalla
15–16 June Wången
26–27 June Norrköping
28–30 August Axevalla

The dates are preliminary in the way that the show can end up being fewer days depending on the number of registered horses. Maximum number of horses per day is 35, so a show with 35 horses or less is a two day show (second day for the second assessment). When number of horses is between 35 and 70 the show will be three days, and 70 to 105 horses is a four day show.

Each registration accounts for one horse to the show. It is allowed to change horses but these changes need to be informed to the breeding leader in Sweden the latest a day before the show starts. When the show has started it is no longer possible to change horses. Changes of riders are always allowed.

If the horse is not fit to be shown, a refund of all but 1.000 SEK of the registration fee is possible with a valid certificate from a veterinarian.

Before registering to a breeding show:

These conditions need to be fulfilled before the horse can be registered to a show:


  • Valid EU-horse passport with a FEIF-id.
  • Proof of parentage registered in WorldFengur ( )
  • Vaccinations
  • Stallions 5 – 12 years old must have results from a spavin examination registered in WorldFengur ()
  • Working microchip.

Mares and geldings:

  • DNA analyze registered in WorldFengur
  • Valid EU-horse passport with a FEIF-id
  • Vaccinations
  • Working microchip